Contacting me

If you want help with creating mods, game, tell me that I should create a mod for you, update an old mod, suggest things for my mods or if you just want to talk with me try contacting me on:
Minecraft Forum: Wuppy21

9 opmerkingen:

  1. Hey,

    Your tutorials are really helpfull, but I suggest you make them a little bit better to read. So more // "discription" lines in it to seperate different lines of code.

    Keep up the good work!

  2. Ey ik weet dat je nederlands bent dus ik zal hem 2 talig maken:

    Zou je heel mischien een tutorial willen maken over vehicles of me willen helpen, aangezien ik er zelf niks van snap.

    Would you like to help me with making a vehicle

  3. Deze reactie is verwijderd door de auteur.

  4. How Do We Add Custom Textures?
    P.S I'm New To Modding And Such.

  5. Can You Make A Tutorial on how to make a Record
    I Already did it but i cant get the record to play the music i want to. If you know how to make the sound play please reply to this comment.

  6. can we have a custom furnace tutorial for Minecraft 1.4.6?

  7. For the dimension tutorial, when I make a portal frame and light it up, it doesn't work. But I can cheat in the portal block and go to the dimension.

  8. How would you make a multitextured block (different textures for each side) have both vanilla and mod textures in it? I could aswell take the easy way out and add the vanilla blocks I want to the mod spritesheet, but it would be nice to know how to!


    Mod:Snow goloums
    does not have any bytes, can't extract

    Mod:Improved mob spawn
    is not updated for 1.5.2
